
Tips for Planning a Summer Trip with Kids

Summer is nearly here, and so is the time to finalize those summer vacation plans. But while travel experiences can bring families closer together, they can also leave you feeling drained. Poorly planned family vacations can quickly become chaotic, kid-wrangling nightmares. Don’t let stress get in the way of your summer vacation. To plan a disaster-free family getaway:

3. Focus on smart value. Traveling as a family often means traveling on a budget. But while it can be tempting to pinch pennies by using bargain-basement travel sites, the time it takes to search for the best deals often negates any cost savings you might have found.

There’s options like the traditional travel agent or you can look at loyalty programs at some of the online sites. I’m a member of the R-Club Loyalty program at, which I’ve learned is more of an evolved online travel advisor who helped me plan the trip (or course correct if things go awry), pointed out valuable deals and provides support via 24/7 phone assistance. No matter what you do, have a resource that you can get 24/7 assistant. Almost all of my challenges have come up after hours when I need help the most, but it’s not available. When you are with kids all it takes is one problem to push you over the edge so make sure you have a resource to go to in those moments.

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